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Exclusive Look Inside One Of The World’s Most Famous Book Stores, The Dujiangyan Zhongshuge

This surreal bookstore is a paradise for bookworms. Located in the city of Chengdu in China, the Dujiangyan Zhongshuge is a spellbinding bookstore designed by Shanghai-based architecture firm X+Living. Looking like a scene straight out of a Harry Potter movie, sweeping spiral staircases weave in and out of double-height archways that are filled floor to ceiling with books. To achieve the look, the design firm carefully integrated life-like wall paper featuring tightly packed shelves of book, a mirrored ceiling and black tile floors to accentuate the reflections and adding to the apparent depth of the space.

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The bookstore was opened in 2020 and boasts one of the most striking bookstore designs to ever exist. It has been an astounding 80,000+ books are held in its library. Would you spend a day here? 

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